Sublime Text for Data Science

Introduction Sublime Text Installation of SendCode and Terminus SendCode Terminus Shortcuts and SendCode Configurations Python R Julia Octave MySQL Final Configuration Conclusion Introduction Data Scientists have to deal with multiple languages and tools in their every day life. We code in languages like Python, R, Julia, Matlab or Octave, among others; we also query databases with languages like SQL, and generate reports with tools like \(\LaTeX\) or RMarkdown. [Read More]

A Visual Guide To Broadcasting In Numpy

Introduction Broadcasting Vector-Scalar Example Matrix-Vector Example Matrix-Matrix Example Array Shapes Broadcasting in multiple dimensions K-Means Clustering Example Conclusion Introduction I recently took the excellent course on Machine Learning with Python from MIT. In one of the forums somebody asked about how to perform calculations of the expectation maximization (EM) algorithm without for loops. I wrote an answer about how broadcasting can be implemented in numpy to perform vectorized operations that simplify and speed up execution of the code. [Read More]